What makes Casa de l’Oli Olive Oil special?

Casa de l’Oli premium olive oils are made using ancient techniques to preserve nutrients, flavours and aromas. Nestled in the rocky mountains of Southern Catalonia, our olive grove flourishes in the best possible conditions, with hot, dry summers and cool winters.

Italian folk legend states that the ideal olive tree habitat has five key characteristics: sun, stone, drought, silence and solitude. We like to add one more; expert care and attention by a family business. This ensures each of our olive varieties and their unique attributes develop perfectly.

The best, traditionally made olive oils impart a subtle, but rich flavour to dishes, besides having numerous health benefits. With authentic olive oil, you know you’re getting a pure, quality product you can trust, free from additives and inferior blends.

Working with local Catalans, we’ve mastered the traditional ways of cultivating olive trees and producing the most exquisite oils. Within a day of harvest, we cold press our hand-picked olives at the peak of their ripeness. This creates the freshest product with all flavour and nutritional value intact.

Taste the Place: Our Olive Grove

When it comes to farm to table produce, where your food is grown is everything. Our premium olive oils are made traditionally with local expertise. Our sustainable olive grove sits in its natural habitat, with ideal soil quality and climate conditions.

We put quality before profits, never using herbicides and unnatural fertilisers. Everything is clean and organic. Because we support the environment instead of exploiting it, our grove is home to all kinds of wildlife, which makes our job just a little more wonderful.

A Centuries Old Method

Our journey began when we restored a previously abandoned olive grove, which was hard work, but a great deal of fun. Every year we manage to bring a few more trees back into production.

The main varieties that grow naturally in our grove are Fuella de Salsa, Regis, Farga and Arbequina.

To further distinguish our oil, we stone crush them in an antique mill. Very few farmers stay true to these traditional methods. We produce every drop of oil with pride and respect.

The result is a cloudy, gourmet olive oil whose personality changes throughout the year.

Browse our olive oils

The Finished Products: Olives & Olive Oils

Native to Southern Catalonia are the sought-after Arbequina and Empletre varieties, otherwise known as the kings of fruity, sweet olives. They’re famous for their unique flavour profiles, with hints of apple, freshly cut grass and an aftertaste of green almonds. The oils derived from them are equally prized, often used as premium blending oils.

We also grow Farga, Regis and Manzanilla olives, which bring their own attributes to our mixed variety oils. We’ve learnt a great deal over the years and carefully expanded our range. From our classic, unfiltered oils to our oak-smoked, homemade vinaigrette dressing. Our Aged Spanish Balsamic to our latest innovation of pressed Arbequina olives with fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Every product is made traditionally with love and careful attention.